Zionism or Anti-Semitism? They are not the same thing–please do your own study.

Matthew 12: 1-14

1. What is Zionism?

It is the political party/philosophy of the NWO, Talmudic Judaism is its platform supported by Christian Zionists. Zionism is led by Jews but the majority of supporters are Christian Zionists. Zionism does not equal Jewish.

2. What is Anti-Semitism? It is hatred of Jewish people. Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism although the US government says that it is.

3. When was Zionism founded?

It was founded in 1897 and has participated or led many historical events e.g.:

* both WWI and WWII and the Russian Revolution
* establishment by the UN of the Zionist State of Israel (ZSI) in 1948 for Khazar converts to Judaism from Eastern Europe/Russia, Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia
* increase in ZSI’s territory from 1948 to now and the mistreatment of the Palestinians throughout this time
*establishment of the Organization of 70 Nations of Genesis 12 in September 2019 by the Sanhedrin as a possible alternative to current UN

4. Some definitions

* Zionist–supporter of NWO under Talmudic Judaism, Jew or Christian
* Jewishness:

–they probably reject CJ/NAZ
–they are Judahite/Judean like Jesus
–the 12 tribes of Israel are Israelites or Hebrews (have crossed over) although all of their birth records were destroyed by Herod in 70 AD so proving physical Jewish/Israelite/Hebrew identity is virtually impossible
–the spiritual/scriptural/biblical Israel is the True Israel and is body of Christ, Jew and Gentile

* so on what basis does one claim to be Jewish?

–rejection of CJ/NAZ
–family and religious traditions
–legal conversion

CONCLUSION: Zionism and Jewishness are not the same thing and anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are not the same thing.

The Eternal Son

There is a great deal of unnecessary confusion about the place of the Eternal Son of the Father Spirit who was revealed as the last Adam known as Jesus/Yahushua of Nazareth. He was the promise of the Old Covenant and the provision of the New Covenant, who died and rose for our sins, thereby breaking down the wall of separation between God and man and Israelites and non-Israelites.

If we first look at Him as a principle, idea, concept or logos/Word, it is easy enough to believe in Him as the Eternal Son and the WAY back to the Father Spirit.

But from here we veer off into all kinds of secondary debates about what He looks like–His colour, His size, His hair, face etc……or we obsess over how to spell His name and in what language to do so.

The Son’s work for us was spiritual so in the end why worry so much about what He looks like? It seems unlikely that He could be light-skinned, but why does all of this really matter so much to so many?

Of course the name of Iesous Christos came into Greek from paganism and has gone from Greek into other languages looking and sounding quite similar. Or we have different spellings in Hebrew/Aramaic such as Yahusha, Yahushua, Yahoshua, Yehoshua, Yeshua, Yahsha, Yahshua. Or maybe we could just translate Iesous as Joshua except that there is already a famous Joshua in Scripture.

Many have made their apparently legitimate claims for bragging rights and in the process we get lost in theological and academic debates rather than just worshipping the Eternal Son as the WAY to the Father.

The key is to know in our hearts whom it is we worship. His looks, the language used or spelling of His name, these things divide the brethren and it should not be so!

Apostles and Bishops

There has been much controversy in recent times over the title and function of “apostle” in the Christian world.

One question is whether the office of apostle has been removed by the Father or was it perhaps removed by man-made actions?

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) has greatly confused the discussion by adding new types and categories of apostles based on revelations which by their own admission are not always based primarily on the Scriptures.

The discussion comes down to two legitimate possibilities of Scriptural interpretation:

1. Perhaps the Father has removed the office of apostle as being no longer required. An apostle is a messenger for the Kingdom of the Most High to different people, places, on different topics, helping to establish different congregations. But if the Father created this type of activity it does not make sense that He would remove it unless He has no one left who is anointed to do it. Does the Body still need this type of anointed messenger? Why would it not?

2. Perhaps the office was never removed, simply neglected or overlooked, and is now being legitimately re-discovered in at least some places without the NAR exaggerations.

Have bishops replaced apostles? Not really. It appears that many of the early apostles were also bishops or called bishops of congregations and regions and this seems to have remained so during Church history.

In the end, people are entitled to their own interpretation of “apostolicity” but it should be done using Scripture as the basic analytical foundation and without adding new functions to the “job description” of the office.

Cockatrice Eggs

We have all laid cockatrice eggs. We all have moments when we just don’t know how to keep our mouths shut and so spew out venom and toxins into the environment. Another way of saying this is that we plant a demonic or evil spirit in the environment.

Biblical images of these predatory actions include adders, asps, serpents, snakes, vipers and even an animal known as the Egyptian mongoose or herpestes ichneumon aka a predatory animal.

You will recognize the word herpes in this animal name. Herpes is a predatory sexually transmitted disease.

So these “eggs” of different names are spiritual predators. But be of good cheer: the Word of God remains the perfect antidote to the transmission of this spiritual affliction.

Natural Law–the Eternal Moral and Physical Law of the Creator

As New Covenant believers we enjoy freedom in Christ Jesus and in His Spirit. The previous regime of Levitical Law, perfect as the Almighty’s Creation, but unable to be perfectly fulfilled by imperfect man, has instead been fulfilled by the Father’s Eternal Son Jesus/Yahushua of Nazareth. He died and rose for us to bring down the wall of separation between the Father and man and between Israelites and non-Israelites.

So now we are to be re-born of the Spirit above, made in His image and likeness and prepared to walk by His Spirit, to love, give, serve and bear spiritual fruit.

The Good News of what He has done for us to enjoy is called the Gospel of Salvation.

But Scripture also calls us to obey what is generally referred to as Natural Law (NL) or the eternal moral and physical law of God. These may or may not be mentioned explicitly in both Old and New Covenants.

Romans 2:14-15 tells us that all Truth, including NL, is written on our hearts.

Some examples of NL include:

1. We are not to murder, meaning the deliberate pre-meditated killing of another, not taking a life in self-defense (Genesis 4:7).
2. We are not to commit adultery or perjury, lying in court or to government officials (Genesis 39:7,20).
3. We are not to steal (Genesis 44:8).
4. The divine order for marriage and family is the union of biological man and woman and humans have the right to life as of conception (Romans 1:26-27, Ephesians 5:22-24 and Colossians 3:19).
5. We are entitled to protection, provision, arms for self-defense and against tyranny (Genesis 14:13-20, Hebrews 7:1-17, Judges).
6. We are to have a preparedness mindset (Genesis 41:25-40).
7. The Most High’s NL rules over the universe e.g. gravity, thermodynamics, biogenesis, time measurement system for Earth by stars, moon and sun, tides etc….
8. We are to operate in our God-given conscience (Romans 2:14-15).
9. We are to have constructive relations between employers and employees (Colossians 4:1).

Buy the Truth and Sell it not

What is Truth? It is the understanding of Scripture as illuminated by the Holy Spirit and converted into divine wisdom. Truth also requires the believer to exercise self-discipline so as to be focussed and capable of applying the wisdom received.

Some useful passages include Proverbs 23:23, Matthew 13:44-45, John 8:31-32 and 18: 37-38, Romans 1:20,25, Galatians 2:5 and 2 Timothy 2:25 and 3:7.

There is often misunderstanding of what it means to buy it but not to sell it. On one side of the argument, some say that charging money for teaching materials is unbiblical and unethical. On the other side, others think that they are free to charge high prices for sub-par and even false content and that they can get by with that.

I believe that the argument should be framed a bit differently.

If I am a serious student of Truth then when I see something needed for my growth I should not hesitate to make an investment in that content.

By the same token, I should not let go of content that is benefitting me simply for financial gain. If I am in a position to let go of something because it has already benefitted me then I should not be afraid to offer this Truth even though many reject Truth.

The potential “buyer” of what is being “sold” is in a position not to buy or to negotiate a fairer price. This advice is therefore not a ban on buying or selling the Word, it simply prescribes how it should be done. The Word of God is not to be seen by our hearts as a worldly commercial good for the market place whether or not money is exchanged.

Pearls of wisdom bring great spiritual wealth, much more than the few material dollars invested in them.

Jesus did not object to commerce but He did object to using the place of worship as a mere market place permitting carnal and dishonest practices.

Koininia Fellowship

True congregational “Ekklesia” gatherings are definitely given to us in Scripture as in Galatians 1:2, Philippians 4:21 and Titus 3:15.

What does this mean for the body of Christ?

It means that we are together in prayer, companionship and enduring affliction.

We protect one another.

We support one another financially as needed and as we are able. We are not to take advantage of one another but seriously needy people as well as serious labourers in the Word should be supported.

We are to be of one heart, mind and mission in our fellowship.

We are to be a remnant and to be available to the remnant:

i) We are to call out the remnant from the conspiracy of Satan, which is global and manifested in countless ways.

ii) We are to give hope to the remnant that our Wonderful Creator has not forsaken them.

iii) We are to protect the remnant from what is false: there are false brethren, prophesies, doctrines, “saviours” and a false Israel.

On War

Since war almost always involves the taking of human lives it is fair for the believer to ask whether or not war is permissible under the Scriptures. The broader concept of war could also include the right to self-defense or the right to rebel against tyranny and oppression.

The Word is very balanced on this topic in spite of what many critics of the Bible say. While Genesis 9:6 calls for a minimum of bloodshed, Genesis Chapter 14 does promote existence of the principle of a just war.

In 2 Samuel 25:28 David fought against the Amorites when they rejected his call for peace. David tried to be at peace inasmuch as it depended on him but this did not work and so war ensued. In 1 Samuel 25:28 says that fighting the Lord’s is not evil. Hebrews Chapter 11 talks of legitimate defensive wars.

There is also, however, the principle of an unjust war in Scripture so all must be handled with wisdom and discernment.

Ahab attacked Syria in a very aggressive way in 1 Kings 22. Does this remind you of a modern-day country that is war-mongering in a very aggressive way as well in the Middle East?

In 2 Samuel 24 the Almighty put a stop to David’s planned crime of aggression in the area of Sidon and Tyre.

And in Genesis 18:25-26, the well-known story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham wondered why God would judge the righteous in the same way as the wicked. God’s reply was that He would not (that it would be unfair to do so) as long as a small number of righteous could be found.

Warmongers beware! You will be scattered according to Psalm 68:31b.

Redeem the Time for the Days are Evil

The Most High has given us a certain time on Earth to do His will. He has placed us in a temporary construct known as TIME. Outside of time is eternity, which is where we came from and where we will eventually return.

So how do we organize our time?

We spend much time debating the use of different calendars for the measurement of time. While it is true that we should study the Scriptures to know The Father’s viewpoint on this, it is also true that all calendars are a reflection of time which we will no longer need in the world to come. This is why we are told in Colossians 2:16 not to be judging one another on such matters of what we observe or do not observe.

Use your chosen calendar to organize and to be a steward of your God-given time on Earth.

By the way, do not judge one another regarding your different viewpoints about the shape of the Earth.

So what are we to plan for in the use of our time?

Our labour, our rest, our worship, our assets….and perhaps most of all our care for the remnant of believers, calling them out of Babylon, encouraging them not to faint, protecting them from that which is false.

We are to seek the Creator’s will to know what we are good at and could successfully labour at. He has endowed us with different portions of different abilities. We might earn a living at some things or do other things as a hobby.

We should be responsible with the fruits of our labour. We should honour those who labour in the Word and help those in need.

The Almighty instructs us to be labouring most of the time but to set aside some time for rest. We seem to have problems agreeing on what rest is and how and when to do it in our time measurement system. Let His Spirit guide you in these matters. Logically enough, we rest from what we do on other days to earn a living, we minimize our buying and selling and traveling as much as possible.

A rest day is a worship day, a day for the Scriptures and prayer and especially of God’s love. There are a number of rest days provided in Scripture. Seek them out and do what you can do with them on your own calendars. Use the seasons of Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter to orient you in planning your time.

When in time do we commemorate the birth of our Anointed Saviour Jesus of Nazareth? Springtime? Late September-early October, 1 Ethanim? 25 December? Do we even know His true birthday?

Do not worship a day, worship His birth in your heart!

In the ancient world people observed the day of death more than the day of birth. In the case of the Son, this means that the Feast of Passover-Unleavened Bread-First Fruits (Pascha) is the most accurate time to celebrate His death, burial and resurrection. This occurs on 14-15-16 Abib/Nisan which is typically between mid-March and mid-April on the Roman Gregorian calendar.

What about national holidays? In the US there is Thanksgiving in late November, in Canada it is in early October, in Scripture for the nation of Christ (True Israel) it is 15 Ethanim, generally in mid to late October on the Roman calendar.

We should use our temporary gift of time to promote and protect our freedom in Christ Jesus, including rights to self defense and to fight tyranny.

We are not to waste our time on fear, bondage or servitude.

Plan for life but do not be consumed with fear over 5G, VAX, Corona virus bio-weapons, weather warfare, bank and economic collapse, no cash on hand or permission to use it, inflation of food and other prices. Having a preparedness mentality, however, is definitely part of His natural law (Genesis 41:25-40).

And most of all, do not spend your time obsessing over works, spiritual gifts, rituals, signs and wonders and especially prophesy. The Father has more than He needs to bring back His Eternal Son at the appointed time.

Redeem the time, for the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16).


The communist ideology is based on the promise of utopia on Earth by overthrowing capitalist interests in favour of the workers of the world. Throughout history it has invariably been imposed on the ignorant or unwilling, and can only be enforced by keeping people on the “narrative” until the unfulfillable is somehow fulfilled. Resisters need to be re-educated or, if re-education fails, they need to be punished in some way. Communism has never succeeded where it has been tried. It has also been known and disguised under other names such as social democracy, globalism, the elites, the deep state, New World Order, Illuminati, Freemasons, the 1%, UN Agenda 2030 etc…

One way or the other, for much of history it has been the goal of the 1% to create a prosperous sub-culture for itself at the expense of the many, who have historically suffered much privation and death wherever this social experiment has been tried.

As we enter 2020 and the next decades, how is this desire for “communism”, a rose by any other name, being manifested and spread?

With the support of the 1% of globalist elites of most or all countries (the other 99% be damned!),we have come down to three major countries who are vying for the “top of the ladder” leadership role of the global system with UN Agenda 2030 at its centre.

1. First, there is the United States, which is desperately clinging to its current and historic leadership role after several generations of moral decline and decay now culminating in a succession of endless wars based on the unholy alliance of global capitalist bankers and the military-industrial complex.

2. Russia and China are combining forces to overtake the US at the top of the ladder by pushing the US, EU and other partners down the ladder and acquiring and exploiting their still considerable natural and intellectual resources. Both Russia and China have historically maintained a collectivist sense of purpose and mission in spreading a global system or ideology, seemingly without care for the consequences to society. Will they succeed together? The major glitch is that they may end up competing for the #1 spot on the ladder rather than sharing it, as happened during their 1950s rift over the leadership position of the International Communist movement.

3. It would appear that the elites of the three countries, along with their globalist elite partners, will continue to do as they wish in order to push the masses into the elites’ desired type of soulless, unloving communist world rather than into a truly better world based on real Love, Truth, Freedom and hence Responsibility under God and Christ.

One thing is certain: all three of these countries, plus elitist leaders worldwide, will historically have much to answer for when the time comes.